Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Though AdSense is beyond the realm of this forum, I looked up for you
the AdSense payment options. Google AdSense offers payment to
publishers in US dollar checks as well as local currency options
(Pakistan is not included) as well as by means of Electronic Funds
Transfer or Secured Express Delivery. A direct transfer by Google, of
your AdSense revenues, into your AdWords account so as to fund it, is
not an available option.
* AdSense Help Center / What forms of payment are available to me?
Further, if you wish to effect payment to your AdWords account, in
Pakistan Rupee from Pakistan, your options are as follows:
*Pakistan Rupee and Pakistan*
POSTPAY or PREPAY payment options:
MasterCard, Visa, and debit cards with a MasterCard or Visa logo
* Account Fees and Payment Options
You are also advised to study the interactive form linked-to above for
further information.
Thanks for your kind query and best wishes to your online business.
ads by Google”
Few time ago i log in to my google adsance account and surprised to see i got $ 0.50 . Really interesting
If you want to know more please click on “ads by Google”
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
In recent years, mechanical currency trading systems, using technical analysis to predict trend movements have become increasingly popular as a way of locking into, and profiting from the longer term currency trends.
Making Money from the Longer Term Trends
Currency trading systems are ideal for making profits from longer-term currency trends, and they occur in all currencies.
The longer-term trends in FOREX markets reflect the health of the economy.
As economic cycles are relatively long and take years, so do the currency trends that reflect these cycles.
A good currency trading system can enable traders to lock into, and make profits from these longer-term trends.
When choosing currencies to trade, it is important to have good long-term trends, but just as important is liquidity, which enables traders to lock in profits and exit losing trades quickly.
Currencies that offer good trends and liquidity include:
· The US Dollar
· Swiss Franc
· Euro
· Japanese Yen
· British Pound.
Currency trading systems remove emotions from trading, which is the major reason the majority of traders end up losing.
Removing the Emotion from Trading with Systems
There has been plenty of material written about using currency trading systems, and the works below provides informative reading for anyone thinking of using a currency trading system.
Traders should try to read the following authors:
Edwin Lefeurve, Jake Bernstein, Larry Williams, Ken Roberts, Van Tharpe and Jack Shwager whose books "Market Wizards" and "The New Market Wizards" interview some of the most successful traders of all time, including the "turtles". The Turtles are group of traders who had no prior trading experience, but went on to earn hundreds of millions of dollars, using very simple mechanical trading systems.
Currency Trading Systems that Make Money
The developments in recent years in computer software, the growth of the Internet, and online trading, has seen currency trading systems become more popular than ever.
Software Packages such as Tradestation, Supercharts, Omni trader, and many more, allow traders to back test systems, using a variety of technical indicators that include:
· Stochastics
· Bollinger bands
· moving averages
And many more.
The currency trading system picked can then be analyised, to see how it would have performed in the markets with commissions and slippage deducted.
Traders, who don't want to develop a currency trading system, can buy systems off the shelf from vendors.
How do you Choose a Successful Currency Trading System?
If you are buying a currency trading system, there are several things to consider before parting with your hard earned cash:
1. Are you interested in being a day trader, or a trader looking for longer-term trends? You need to pick a system that you're comfortable with and this is mostly down to personal preference. Some traders like the excitement of day trading others prefer a longer-term approach.
2. Do you want to have any input into the system, or do you want it to be totally mechanical?
3. Do you want to trade just one currency, or a basket of currencies? Using a currency trading system that trades just one currency can be more profitable but keep in mind, the converse is true, i.e losses and drawdowns can be larger.
4. When choosing a currency trading system you need to have confidence to trade with it, and follow the system through losing periods. To do this you should know the logic the system is based upon. If you understand the system and its logic, you will derive confidence and be more likely to follow it - in contrast to one where the logic is not revealed.
5. What are the average profits you can expect in relation to drawdowns? All currency trading systems will have periods of drawdown and losses. Generally the larger the profits the bigger the drawdowns tend to be over time - so pick a system that reflects your investment aims and risk tolerance.
6. When you are buying a currency trading system, check out the system seller's experience, track record, customer support, - and whether they have a real-time track record, or a hypothetical one.
A real time track records means the system has performed in the market and made money, i.e it's proven. Trading systems that simply rely on hypothetical track records mean they have been back tested, - and with the benefit of hindsight we can all make money!
While hypothetical track records should be treated with a degree of caution, you can find out a lot about whether the system is likely to make money, by knowing the logic the system is based on.
When considering a hypothetical track record, look for one where the logic is revealed and not a "black box" system where you have no idea how to system works.
In conclusion, you can make your own currency trading system, or you can buy one from a vendor - when choosing one from a vendor make sure you do your homework, and remember - if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
Currency trading systems can, and do make money, and the effort you put into finding the system that suits your personality, risk tolerance, and profit objectives, will be time well spent.
We have lots more currency trading articles to help you sharpen your trading skills, on our web site. New! Free Currency Trader CD available through our web site! You can grab this valuable CD, which contains 9 critical reports on how to improve your trading. Everything you need to trade successfully is enclosed, including tips strategies and trading systems.
To claim your free trading CD, visit our web site now ==>
Article Source:
SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010
Discount Online Stock Trading
In order to start discount stock trading online, investors have to open an account with the discount broker. Most discount brokers require a fixed initial deposit for opening a trading account. This can be anything from five hundred to two thousand dollars. After opening the account, deposits of any amount can be made. Deep discount brokers accept the orders and execute them to the letter, without offering any sort of advice. Almost all discount stockbrokers have their websites, through which traders can access and manage their accounts by themselves. Traders, who have a good idea of the market and like to manage their trading accounts by themselves, without any interference of the broker, prefer this option.
Discount online stock trading allows the traders to buy or sell stocks any time of the day. With online discount brokers, there is no need to personally interact with the broker. However, they do have a help line that can be reached, in case of any query. Online trading requires thorough research by the trader, to find a good broker. Traders must also enquire with fellow traders about their experiences, with different online stockbrokers. It is necessary to make comparisons, to find the discount broker that provides the best deal. The commission charged by the broker must also be understood perfectly, for the actual dollar cost per trade. The type and quantity of trade must also be considered, before selecting an online discount broker.
Online Stock Trading provides detailed information on Online Stock Trading, Online Stock Trading Companies, Free Online Stock Trading, Online Stock Trading Games and more. Online Stock Trading is affiliated with Futures Trading Online Analysis.
Article Source:
Stock Trading Secrets Revealed
These days more than ever folks are needing to be assured that their investments are safe. The most important beyond that is to know that you can consistently be making a profit on your investments through stocks.
The best kept secret is the fact that you can make a great deal of profit online through the use of stock trading software. The software is created by programmers to watch the market closely and alert you when is the best time to buy certain stocks and when to sell them for the maximum profit.
Till recently folks had to depend on brokers to buy and sell stocks for you online and then they got a commission off of the profits that they made for you.
This would mean that you would have to make a lot more profits to make up for the amount paid toward brokers and to really make a profit that would be able to benefit you.
The problem is that too many brokers are being found to be less that honest and many are placing peoples lively hoods in jeopardy.
You can easily buy software online and download it and be up and running buying and selling stocks online within minutes. You can do all of this with out having prior knowledge of the stock market or having to study trends yourself for days before you buy stock in a certain company.
The best thing is that once you have the software and get an account opened online. You don't even have to have your computer on to be turning a profit.
Try Fap Turbo Free for 60 days you can even use a demo account to see profits without actually using your own money. Then when you feel confident you can use really money as little as $50.
click here
Article Source:
Tip Untuk Melajukan Internet
Hari ini saya nak bagi tips sikit tentang nak lajukan internet. Cara-caranya mudah dan senang dilakukan. Tetapi teknik ini hanyalah teknik asas dan tidak menggunaan software apa2. Saya senaraikan disini yer:-
1) Biasanya tak laju ni sebab ada banyak software ‘run’ pada startup. So nak buangnya senang je. Klik pada start dan pilih run. Pastu taip MSCONFIG (huruf kecik pun takpe) dan tekan ok. Then, akan keluar system configuration utility. Kat butang tab pilih startup. Untick atau Uncheck mana2 software atau aplikasi yang dirasakan tak perlu ada dalam startup. So takdelah banyak aplikasi ‘running’ semasa kita melayari internet.
2) Selain itu, kita juga boleh melajukan internet dengan menggunakan default wallpaper. Janganlah guna wallpaper canggih manggih yang ada gambar, grafik dan sebagainya. Bila banyak sangat benda tu yang jadi lambat nak loading internet tu. Sebab banyak makan (guna) RAM atau memory.
3) Tutup atau kurangkan penggunaan software lain semasa melayari internet. Fokus pada satu2 benda sahaja. So takdelah lambat sangat masa nak guna internet tu. Software atau aplikasi lain tu gunalah masa dah abis melayari internet tu.
4) Jaga komputer anda dan elakkan dari terkena virus ataupun spyware. Ini juga boleh menyebabkan internet menjadi lembap. Bila dah banyak virus ada dalam PC kita, komputer atau hard disk akan jadi slow. Maka automatik, nak guna internet pun jadi slow jugak.
5) Jangan guna internet terlalu lama atau lebih dari dua jam. Jika lebih dari tu, leh disconnect dulu untuk 5-10 minit. Kemudian baru buat connection balik. Ini supaya modem dapat refresh balik serta dapat kurangkan kepanasan modem. Keselamatan modem pun terjaga.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Earning $1,000+ a Day is Easy $500-$1000 a day! in just 1-3 hours a day!!
Earning $1,000+ a Day is Easy
$500-$1000 a day!
in just 1-3 hours a day!!
I can show you how to earn $500 to $1,000 a day in your account and access it through any ATM anywhere.
This simple system is consistent, safe, and secure.
You will be earning up to $500 to $1,000 a day in just days!
*Pay your bills!
*Get out of Debt!
*Spend time with your family
*Buy your dream home
Let me show you how I do it! I put $1,800++ in my account every day and so can you!
Important Notice!
Due to the overwhelming response we have had to this offer, we are overloading our service providers.
Unfortunately we cannot offer this to many more people. I'm really sorry about that but the offer really was limited. The Platinum Version ensures that you have no additional out of pocket expense
As a result, we will only offer this program to 3-11 more participants.
After which time, the Platinum Version will no longer be available.
I apologize in advance to anyone who cannot participate. I am doing the best I can.
You have just taken the first step toward a new life!
I'm not an internet guru, I'm a real person with real answers to real problems.
What I do is very simple. I teach you how to reach into the system and generate $500, $1,000, $1,500, even $2,000 every day of the year. The amount and the frequency is up to you.
This is not done with smoke and mirrors. This is real. You have just come to one of the few places on the web where you are going to receive REAL HELP for your financial future.
This is NOT a "get-rich-quick" scheme. Just because we generate results daily doesn't mean this is some "pie in the sky" program. I thought it was "too good to be true" until I saw it for myself.
I didn't rest my children future on a fly-by-night gimmick. You've never seen a site like this one and you've never been given an offer like the one you're about to read.
I know you're ready for a change or you wouldn't be here!
I'm financially secure for the rest of my life. I will never ever be broke again. Ever! I can't tell you how much that means to me. I love being secure financially.
I'm going to show you what I learned and how simply you could put yourself in my shoes, generating $500 to $1,000 or more every day!
You will be able to access your money through any ATM machine in any mall, gas station, or millions of other locations. You're going to love this system.
How many sites have you seen where they are just selling you an idea but that's it. Not here. I know you need to have help so I'm going to help you.
That's right, I'm not going to just try and offer you something and walk away, I'll help you through the process until you have income going into YOUR account.
It's Good AND it's TRUE!
To answer the other question. No, you don't have to be a genius to do it! What I am going to share with you is a proven, consistent, secure system that produces income everyday. You don't have to worry about it slowing down or being dependent upon the economy.
This system works for you to generate consistent income for you everyday, no matter what day it is.
If you can follow the instructions I give you, you will have the same results I have all the time. It doesn't matter who does it. It doesn't matter how many people read this.
I use one very important test.
I was a single mom with only a high school diploma. If I can do "follow my instructions" and make the income I am describing, then I believe no one else has an excuse.
I will walk you through this.
Here we go. What you are going to do is set up online accounts. I WILL SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW TO DO THIS.
YOU will be working less than 2 hours a day
and earning up to $1,000 a day.
These accounts are available for anyone and they are within just about anyone's reach. Everyone qualifies for these accounts so don't worry about that. They are legal, safe, and they work!
These will be INCOME accounts for you personally. This is how you will generate your income. I will show you EXACTLY how to do this.
After that you are going to learn how to do several simple transactions, again, all online. These transactions that you do are the key to the system. You follow the same procedure all the time..
Once you do that you monitor your system everyday (here's your two hours) to ensure everything is running smoothly. Once you've done that you can relax and watch your income come in. You'll even be able to access your money in any ATM if you follow the instructions you receive.
Now, I'm going to make this really simple and clear so there is no confusion in your mind. You will have absolutely no problem setting up online accounts. Each one will be worth $50 - $200 a day, every day. (and no, it's not surveys or some other nonsense.)
Once your accounts are set up, you will be able to earn up to $1,000 in less than 2 hours a day. I will show you exactly how I do that and then I will walk you through the process so that YOU SUCCEED!
You will have cash income EVERYDAY! I'm talking about DAILY INCOME that is automatic. I get so excited sharing this information! I really mean that. I get excited because I know for a fact that I can prove this to you and you will thank me and say nice things about me!
Ok, back to the program.
You will learn how to:
*Set up your online income accounts
*Set up your online transactions.
*Access your money online or through any ATM machine!
You will have Step-by-Step instructions that are foolproof.
You don't need . . .
*Good credit.
*To be a computer genius.
*To sell anything personally to anyone.
All you do is watch your accounts GROW! It's just amazing. It's so simple! You will be amazed how EASY this is!
So, Who Is This Woman?
Over the course of many challenges and stupid decisions, I found myself alone with a family to care for.
Without boring you with all the details, let's just say I needed to provide for my children.
I needed more than just income, I needed financial security!
This was an extremely difficult place for me. I could either fall apart, or find a way to overcome the challenge. I found a way.
My children were depending on me and I needed to come up with a solution to their needs.
I know many other single parents know what I'm talking about. This was not a nice place to be.
I don't even want to think about what kind of life I would have had without this system.
You name it, I tried it. I worked two jobs and then spent hours on the computer trying to find some ideas or ways to make enough money to take care of our family.
I know how you feel looking for answers. I have been there in that exact spot so I know what you're going through.
I know what its like to be looking everywhere for an answer. To be getting the Sunday paper hoping to find some answer. To send in resumes and try to "dress to impress" hoping to get the job so you can be gone for 50-60 hours a week.
All the while, I am just barely staying ahead of my bills. If you've never been under that kind of pressure, you don't know how desperate you can get.
Finally I found a system that actually worked. I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels to be safe. My family is now secure financially.
Can you imagine being so free you can do whatever you want with your day and not suffer financially for it?
Imagine coming home from work and checking your online accounts to see that you have up to $1,000 in your account that wasn't there this morning!
That really feels good! You'll be able to go shopping, buy just about anything, and feel good!
One of the things I love the most is being able to live without ever feeling guilty for buying something.
NO MORE GUILT for buying something for yourself!
You won't have that regret in your gut because you feel like you spent too much. You know that feeling? Instead, you'll have the confidence to know that you will have more TOMORROW!
It's an awesome thing!
So, what does my day look like?
Well, here's what I do every day.
*I sit down at my computer
*I check my emails.
*I return my emails.
*I check my income accounts online.
*I do two to four simple transactions.
*I turn off my computer.
*I have a nice day.
This takes me two hours a day or less!
So much for being a super smart business woman!
I don 't do surveys or stuff envelopes. No MLM or chain letter nonsense either. I don't have time for that nonsense.
I don't have to talk to people all day on the phone. I don't sell anything to anyone. I don't do weird party plans or some other goofy sales deal. I don't recruit people or spend hours looking for "deals." I don't have to drive anywhere (except an ATM from time to time).
This not a get rich quick scheme. You will be earning money on legitimate transactions going on right now as we speak throughout the country.
You may not become rich . . . but you'll never be broke again!
You know all those times you wished you could do more for your friends and family. My parents worked her entire life away. I cannot tell you how it broke my heart to see them struggle.
Now I can give them whatever they want. I can help them financially and provide for them without it even affecting my own family.

Do you have any idea how satisfying and fulfilling that is?
Do you know how great it is to be able to see a need and write a check without worrying about it bouncing?
I have never been so financially happy in my whole life.
Why am I sharing this with you?
You know, there's a lot of junk being sold on the internet that I am ashamed to admit that I bought. I spent money I couldn't spare on ideas that turned out to be garbage. I can tell you that I was frustrated and even angry many times.
So, after consistently securing income week after week, I decided to make this available to people.
I just ache inside when I think about all the families that are suffering just because they of what they don't know!
I make my money using my system, not selling it!
My income comes from following the same instructions that you will be following. I will show you exactly what I do to generate up to $1,000 every single day. You will be amazed at how simple this really is.
Here's how you know I'm deadly serious. I donate 100% of the proceeds of the sale of this system on this site to charity. That's right, I don't see a dime from this site.
Got you thinking don't I. Somebody must be praying for you because this is an answer you've been looking for.
Get Started today!
What I will show you is so much fun, you'll be amazed. It's so simple that anyone could do it. All you have to do is follow really simple instructions.
You will have step by step help all the way until you are generating income! You can't find that anywhere. I have looked. I have read hundreds of sites offering books and plans, but then they leave you there.
You will not do this alone!
NO more trying to "go it alone" unless you choose to. You're not going to get left to the side. You will be successful.
I'm willing to walk you through the process until you are making money like I do. You are going to have the income I'm talking about. You are going to do it. I am telling you right now in front of God and everybody, you are going to succeed.
You're going to love going to your ATM machine!
You will learn how to:
*Set up your income accounts
*Put everything you need together quickly.
*Access your money online or through any ATM machine!
You will have Step-by-Step instructions that are foolproof. I will show you exactly how begin receiving income in as little as one day!
You will be able to stay home, get on your computer, and earn up to $1,000 per day, every day. That's the exciting part!
Here's what you get!
*Step by step help until your making money!
*Never be broke again, ever!
*Get out of debt-FAST!!!!!
*Access your money worldwide in any ATM!
*Keep your job/Quit your job. Your Choice!
*Buy the home you've always dreamed of.
Get Started today!
For a limited time!
Only $25!
Normally we simply provide the information to people and they have to follow the instructions on their own. In this LIMITED OFFER, we will WALK YOU THROUGH the steps you need to take until you are MAKING MONEY.
The platinum program is our FAST TRACK program that gets you going as fast as possible to get your accounts generating income as soon as possible.
One more thing.
That's right. You're not going to get this and then find out there are hundreds of dollars of other "fees" to pay.
If you buy the PLATINUM PACKAGE TODAY, you will not have any additional up front out of pocket money to pay to get started.
All additional costs will come from your earnings! Guaranteed!
Have you ever in all your searching on looking on the web ever seen any offer of help like this? Ever seen that before?
Didn't think so.
There's only one catch. I can't do this indefinitely
I have made arrangements for a limited number of people. I can't do this for everyone. Once I reach my limit, this offer expires. I am sorry about that but I have to work with people who are ready to go TODAY.
I don't mean to pressure you, it's just that I can only help so many at a time. So, ORDER TODAY!
For just $25, you get The System which includes:
*Take you BY THE HAND service!
*Step by step instructions on putting your "machine" to work.
*Simple, easy to follow directions on setting up your accounts.
*How to start making money in as little as one day.
*How to access your money in any ATM machine across the country.
The System is accessible on this site immediately! You don't have to wait for a "package" in the mail. You can get started within minutes of placing your order. The choice is yours!
You could look all over the web, you'll not find anyone offering to walk you through to success!
Please don't put it off. When we reach our limit, we will not offer this package anymore.
With the volume of visitors we are having lately,
this special offer wont last much longer!!!!
Spots are limited. Order TODAY. Tomorrow may be too late!
Only $25!
Once payment is received, you will be taken right to the system.
Here's my guarantee to you...
I personally guarantee that if you use the system in The System you will have
learned exactly what I do to make up to $1,500 per day, just like I said.
If after 30 days, you honestly believe I have not delivered on this promise, we'll refund the money.
There's only one condition. You have to put the system to work. I want you to have the life you always wanted. Take the step and go for it!
Many people dream about it, now you can live it!